Investment of CHF 1.2 billion
Roche opens pharmaceutical research and development center in Basel
Thursday, 12. September 2024
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Roche pharmaceutical research and development center “pRED” in Basel
Roche pharmaceutical research and development center “pRED” in Basel, Photo: Roche

Roche has opened the new pharmaceutical research and development center “pRED” at its headquarters in Basel. Equipped with cutting-edge technology and around 1,800 state-of-the-art laboratory and office workstations, the new center brings together researchers from different disciplines to advance scientific discoveries for patients. With this state-of-the-art research and development center, the pharmaceutical company is underlining its long-term investment in scientific progress to meet the needs of patients.

Severin Schwan, Chairman of the Roche Group, said: “Roche has invested CHF 1.2 billion into the new 'pRED' Center, underscoring our ongoing commitment to supporting Switzerland in remaining a leading innovative life sciences hub, the country where Roche was founded over 125 years ago.” Thomas Schinecker, CEO of the Roche Group, added: “The new 'pRED' Center will play an integral role in collaborating with our research centers across the globe, aiming to boost the effectiveness and efficiency of our R&D, and to deliver the greatest impact for patients.” 

New R&D center to accelerate drug development

The new “pRED” Center consists of two high-rise laboratory buildings with state-of-the-art laboratory technology and digital solutions as well as an office building and a conference center. A total of 33 combined laboratory and office floors with 150 laboratories and workstations are available for around 1,800 researchers. The state-of-the-art buildings are deliberately designed to promote collaboration and holistic thinking.

Roche is investing almost six billion Swiss francs in the site by 2030

Since 2009, Roche has invested CHF 4.6 billion in the expansion of the Basel/Kaiseraugst site. The inauguration of the “pRED” center is the largest single investment. In addition, the pharmaceutical company is currently investing a further CHF 1.2 billion in the Basel site. In total, the investments for the expansion of the Basel/Kaiseraugst site from 2009 to 2030 amount to CHF 5.8 billion.

Hans Clevers, Head of Pharma Research and Early Development (pRED), concludes: “By investing in the new center we are continuing to push scientific frontiers to translate innovation into medicines, to better meet the needs of our patients. The new center will enable greater interaction and knowledge sharing across disciplines, for example, chemists, biologists and data scientists.”

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